Selasa, 05 Juni 2012

Antonyms, Synonyms, and Acronyms

Name  : Rabiatul Adawiyah
SRN    : 080 112 0374
Class   : A
Subject: Vocabulary

Antonyms, Synonyms, and Acronyms

The word antonym comes from two Greek words, "anti", which means opposing or against, and "onoma", which means name. So antonym means an opposing name.
An antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning to another word. Antonyms can be differentiated from the words they are opposite to by a prefix, or they may be totally different words. All words do not have antonyms. Some words that do not have antonyms are orange, twelve and table.
Here are some examples of antonyms -
  • ancient - modern
  • qualify - disqualify
  • justice - injustice
  • past – present
The word synonym comes from two Greek words, "syn", which means the same or together, and "onoma", which means name. So synonym stands for the same name.
A synonym is a word that has the same or almost the same meaning as another word.
A word can have one synonym or several synonyms.
Here are some examples of synonyms -
  • anguish - distress, sorrow
  • genuine - actual, real
  • goad - provoke, badger
  • pain - ache, discomfort
The word acronym comes from two Greek words, "akros", which means an end or a tip, and "onoma", which means name.
An acronym is a word that is an abbreviation of a group of words, generally made up of the initial letters of these words. An acronym may be written in capital letters or in lowercase letters.
Some examples of acronyms are -
  • Scuba - Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
  • UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
  • SARS - severe acute respiratory syndrome
  • ARM - Adjustable Rate Mortgage

List of Antonyms, Synonyms, and Acronyms

List of Antonyms - words with opposite meanings

ancient - modern
alive - dead
bold - meek
bitter - sweet
cold - hot
conceal - reveal
discourage - encourage
dislike - like
empty - full
entrance - exit
few - many
find - lose
gentle - rough
glad - sorry
happy - sad
honest - dishonest
include - exclude
inhale - exhale
junior - senior
justice - injustice
known - unknown
king - subject
laugh - cry
lend - borrow
mature - immature
mad - sane
night - day
noise - quiet
odd - even
offer - refuse
past - present
peace - war
qualify - disqualify
rich - poor
rough - soft
sense - nonsense
single - double
take - give
top - bottom
up - down
virtue - vice
victory - defeat
wise - foolish
within - without

List of Synonyms - words with similar meanings

anguish - distress, sorrow
arrogant -  disdainful, imperious
avoid - ignore, shun
brilliant - clever, intelligent
bliss - happiness, joy
careful  - cautious , part, portion
cease - desist, stop
competent - able, capable
decent - honorable, pure
detain - hold, keep
endure - last, persist
essential - basic, necessary
furious - angry, outraged
feeble - helpless, infirm
goad - provoke, badger
genuine - actual, real
harass - annoy, disturb
hygiene - cleanliness, sanitation
ignorant - stupid, unintelligent
indifferent - apathetic, disinterested
jovial - genial, merry
justification - excuse, reason
kind - nice, benevolent
keen - clever, observant
lean - thin, slim
labor - work, toil
match - pair, group
margin - border, edge
necessary - mandatory, requisite
negotiate - bargain, deal
observe - notice, watch          
offend - anger, irritate
perplex - astonish, baffle
pain - ache, discomfort
realize - accomplish, fulfill     
significant - distinctive, important
settle - adjust, compromise
temper - mood, nature
tough - aggressive, unyielding
variety - assortment, diversify
valid - authorized, legitimate

List of Acronyms - words made up of the initials of a group of words

ARM - Adjustable Rate Mortgage
BIT - Binary Digit
GNP -  Gross National Product
ICJ -    International Court Of Justice
IMF -   International Monetary Fund
SARS - severe acute respiratory syndrome
Scuba -  Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
UNESCO -  United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation
WTO - World Trade Organization

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